Jim Furyk's Swing
Jim Furyk has a very good swing. Not only is it a good swing in terms of producing great shots, but the things that can be learned by golfers from watching his swing are vast. Granted, it’s a bit of an awkward action, but if there were more Jim Furyk’s in the golfing world, it would be a much better place.
The most important thing that can be seen in Jim’s swing is its overall shape. It’s super steep (outside) going back, then super shallow (inside) coming down. What good players do that bad players don’t do is swing the club steep, then shallow. It doesn’t matter what grip, stance, tempo, posture, or length of swing they have, they all swing the club back steep then down shallow in some degree. Furyk is quite an overstatement to this rule. All golfers need not look like him, either. However, if you are an over-the-top player, who has been looping the club to the inside on the backswing, and throwing it to the outside on the downswing, then it would be a good idea to feel as though you are swinging like Jim Furyk.
If you can get the club going back to the outside, this will give you a nice alleyway to come down from the inside. This inside move is what all great ball strikers have, not just Jim Furyk.
So the point is that if you can feel this really exaggerated steep, then shallow move, whether it’s taking practice swings at home or hitting balls on the range, chances are that you will be in very good positions throughout your swing. Even though you may feel strange at first, you need to do something that is the opposite of what you have been doing, and this is it.
So next time you see Jim Furyk hit a shot, take note of why he is one of the best players in the world. It’s not because of his grip. Nor is it because of his stance. It's because of his technically sound path and plane structure to his swing.
Learn more about the #1 rated golf instruction book in the game today, 1 Step to Better Golf.
The most important thing that can be seen in Jim’s swing is its overall shape. It’s super steep (outside) going back, then super shallow (inside) coming down. What good players do that bad players don’t do is swing the club steep, then shallow. It doesn’t matter what grip, stance, tempo, posture, or length of swing they have, they all swing the club back steep then down shallow in some degree. Furyk is quite an overstatement to this rule. All golfers need not look like him, either. However, if you are an over-the-top player, who has been looping the club to the inside on the backswing, and throwing it to the outside on the downswing, then it would be a good idea to feel as though you are swinging like Jim Furyk.
If you can get the club going back to the outside, this will give you a nice alleyway to come down from the inside. This inside move is what all great ball strikers have, not just Jim Furyk.
So the point is that if you can feel this really exaggerated steep, then shallow move, whether it’s taking practice swings at home or hitting balls on the range, chances are that you will be in very good positions throughout your swing. Even though you may feel strange at first, you need to do something that is the opposite of what you have been doing, and this is it.
So next time you see Jim Furyk hit a shot, take note of why he is one of the best players in the world. It’s not because of his grip. Nor is it because of his stance. It's because of his technically sound path and plane structure to his swing.
Learn more about the #1 rated golf instruction book in the game today, 1 Step to Better Golf.